2010年11月14日 星期日

░™♥✖没有 陈皇光斌 滴 日子 第六三二 天✖♥™░

i really d0nt kn0w what i need t0 d0 le ♡
i can do de ♡
all already d0ne ♡

i keep think and ask myself ♡
what else i havent d0 yet ♡
maybe still g0t s0mething i f0rgot ald leh ♡

but ... ... ♡
finally what answer i get is ... ... ♡

dun care h0w harder i g0 d0 s0 many thing f0r y0u ♡
i also cant get 1 msg or 1 call fr0m y0u ♡

y0ng suan s0on
tell mii what y0u want ??? ♡
♡ what y0u want actually

please dont ask mii to give up can? ♡
i really h0pe y0u will c0me back t0 mii ♡

i really h0pe can get the chance ♡
get the chance t0 sh0w i really love y0u de ♡
sh0w y0u i really can change bc0z of y0u de ♡

yesterday y0u "jump" int0 my dream again ya ^^ ♡
but yesterday i dream ... ... i dream ... ... ♡
♡ y0u c0me back t0 mii le

im s0 happy ♡
i h0pe i will n0t wake up f0rever ♡
and st0p at the m0ment ♡
stay inside my dream ♡

but cant... ... ♡
i woke up and crying ♡

y0ng suan s0on
zha gai very miss y0u leh ... ... ♡
d0 y0u kn0w ♡

