2010年11月30日 星期二

░™♥✖没有 陈皇光斌 滴 日子 第六四八 天✖♥™░



2010年11月27日 星期六

░™♥✖没有 陈皇光斌 滴 日子 第六四五 天✖♥™░

偶在哭 ♡
[尼]跟[妮]知道么 ♡

偶现在有多么难过 ♡
多么伤心多么心疼多么生气自己 ♡
尼们知道么 ♡

[尼]跟[妮] ♡
根本就不知道 ♡

偶一直在怪自己滴不好 ♡
一直以为是自己滴问题 ♡

可是原来不是 ♡
原来是因为[妮]滴出现!! ♡

就是因为[妮]滴出现 ♡
就因为[尼]滴变心 ♡
受不住别人滴诱惑 ♡

所以 ♡
才会发生那么多事么 ♡

尼们在做尼们之间滴决定之前 ♡
有想过偶么 ♡

因为尼们 ♡
偶想丢了偶自己滴性命 ♡

因为尼们 ♡
偶做了多么错滴事 ♡

因为尼们 ♡
偶伤害了偶家人 ♡

因为尼们 ♡
偶让爸爸妈妈掉泪了 ♡

因为尼们 ♡
偶把偶滴生活变得没色彩了 ♡

因为尼们 ♡
偶害得偶妹妹差点儿没了她滴工作 ♡

那几个星期因为他对偶滴冷淡 ♡
偶躲在房间自己哭 ♡

因为做了傻事 ♡
害怕人家知道而不敢上班 ♡
躲在公司厕所里不敢出来 ♡

♡ 尼们知道要偶一个人走过来
是多么艰难滴事么 ♡

偶一直在自责 ♡
以为自己不好 ♡
♡ 以为他介意偶滴病
♡ 而不要偶

那几个星期 ♡
偶很讨厌自己 ♡
恨透自己!! ♡

因为讨厌自己 ♡
所以折磨自己 ♡
让自己受尽痛苦 ♡

原来都是错滴 ♡

偶以为这几个星期 ♡
自己已经开始放下了 ♡

原来不是 ♡
原来偶还是会在乎滴!! ♡

那是在乎么 ♡
还是在后悔自己为了他做那么多傻事 ♡
最后换来了那样滴结果 ♡

偶只知道自己现在心情 ♡
超级难过滴 ♡

觉得自己很可笑 ♡
老天爷在作弄偶么 ♡

还是偶手痒 ♡
跑去看人家滴部落格 ♡
这是偶应该知道滴么 ♡

可以停止让偶知道这一切么 ♡
偶只想要简单滴过日子 ♡
♡ 只想开开心心

偶要滴就是那么简单 ♡
可是 ♡
为什么似乎很难呢 ♡

偶李小芝 ♡
告诉尼们!!! ♡

尼们会有报应滴 ♡
偶相信报应 ♡

不是现在 ♡
或许是未来 ♡

就像偶酱 ♡
为什么偶会有病需要吃药 ♡
为什么偶会遇到那么多不幸滴事 ♡
为什么他会不要偶 ♡

那都是报应 ♡
或许是前辈子欠下来滴债 ♡
所以今世要还 ♡
这就是因果报应 ♡

恨透尼们!!! ♡

2010年11月22日 星期一

░™♥✖没有 陈皇光斌 滴 日子 第六四〇 天✖♥™░

♡ 偶根本不知道自己在气什么咯 ♡
♡ 以为自己一点也不在乎了 ♡
♡ 可是原来不是 ♡

♡ 原来 ♡
♡ 偶还是会在乎滴 ♡

♡ 他都不再属于偶了 ♡
♡ 他已经对偶那么狠心了 ♡
♡ 偶干嘛还要为这些小事 ♡

♡ 一个能够在尼需要他时 ♡
♡ 却跑掉滴人 ♡
♡ 一个尼愿意为他而死滴人 ♡

♡ 值得尼去为他伤心难过么 ♡
♡ 值得尼去为他而死么 ♡

♡ 不管尼从多远跑去找他 ♡
♡ 不管尼做再多滴布丁 ♡
♡ 不管尼再为他做些什么事 ♡

♡ 他还是无动于衷 ♡
♡ 甚至当尼是从不认识滴陌生人 ♡

♡ 就算他现在真滴有了新欢 ♡
♡ 尼也做不了什么 ♡
♡ 对么 ♡

♡ 他是不会记得 ♡
♡ 尼曾经为他做过滴事 ♡
♡ 更不会再把尼这个人放在眼里 ♡

♡ 看到这几个字 ♡
♡ 就已经很心疼 ♡

♡ 干嘛还要去留意 ♡
♡ 干嘛还要去看其他滴东西呢 ♡
♡ 看了之后 ♡
♡ 就只会在伤心难过哭泣 ♡

♡ 李小芝 ♡
♡ 何必那样对自己呢 ♡

♡ 不管之前真滴做错了些什么 ♡
♡ 可是至少已经尽力了 ♡
♡ 那已经很对得起自己了 ♡

♡ 他现在还能活得酱潇洒 ♡
♡ 李小芝一样也可以滴! ♡
♡ 甚至比他更开心更幸福 ♡

♡ 没了他 ♡
♡ 还有很多很爱尼滴人 ♡

♡ 管他现在是生还是死 ♡
♡ 管他现在是不是有了新女友 ♡
♡ 管他现在会跟谁一起吃晚餐 ♡
♡ 管他现在在跟谁手拖手走街 ♡

♡ 那都不要去在乎了 ♡
♡ 李小芝不要再去想了 ♡
♡ 知道么 ♡
♡ 不要再酱下去了 ♡

♡ 不要再让偶看见尼!!! ♡
♡ 要不然偶真滴会很狠心 ♡
♡ 盖尼几巴掌 ♡
♡ 甚至用咖啡来泼尼 ♡

♡ 不管之前尼有多爱偶 ♡
♡ 可是也不会例外 ♡
♡ 偶一样能狠下心 ♡
♡ 那样对尼报复滴! ♡

♡ 尼给偶听好 ♡
♡ 偶绝不会让尼继续把偶滴人生给毁掉 ♡
♡ 尼不要偶 ♡
♡ 尼一定会后悔 ♡

♡ 偶会让尼知道 ♡
♡ 尼当初滴选择是错滴! ♡

2010年11月14日 星期日

░™♥✖没有 陈皇光斌 滴 日子 第六三二 天✖♥™░

i really d0nt kn0w what i need t0 d0 le ♡
i can do de ♡
all already d0ne ♡

i keep think and ask myself ♡
what else i havent d0 yet ♡
maybe still g0t s0mething i f0rgot ald leh ♡

but ... ... ♡
finally what answer i get is ... ... ♡

dun care h0w harder i g0 d0 s0 many thing f0r y0u ♡
i also cant get 1 msg or 1 call fr0m y0u ♡

y0ng suan s0on
tell mii what y0u want ??? ♡
♡ what y0u want actually

please dont ask mii to give up can? ♡
i really h0pe y0u will c0me back t0 mii ♡

i really h0pe can get the chance ♡
get the chance t0 sh0w i really love y0u de ♡
sh0w y0u i really can change bc0z of y0u de ♡

yesterday y0u "jump" int0 my dream again ya ^^ ♡
but yesterday i dream ... ... i dream ... ... ♡
♡ y0u c0me back t0 mii le

im s0 happy ♡
i h0pe i will n0t wake up f0rever ♡
and st0p at the m0ment ♡
stay inside my dream ♡

but cant... ... ♡
i woke up and crying ♡

y0ng suan s0on
zha gai very miss y0u leh ... ... ♡
d0 y0u kn0w ♡

2010年11月13日 星期六

░™♥✖没有 陈皇光斌 滴 日子 第六三一 天✖♥™░

♡ This tw0 day ♡
♡ h0w hard i g0ing there t0 find y0u ♡
♡ search from the net ♡
♡ any public transp0rt t0 g0 there ♡
♡ and draw the map ♡

♡ i never go there before de ♡
♡ first time i go there ♡
♡ because of y0u lur ♡
♡ go gai gai with y0u ♡

♡ actually i went there ♡
♡ just wanna pass y0u the pudding and c0okies de ♡
♡ and see y0u fr0m far far ♡

♡ i dont h0pe y0u will see d0u mii ♡
♡ bc0z i know y0u w0nt c0i mii when y0u saw mii de ♡
♡ i duwan let myself feel disappoined ♡

♡ when i reach there ♡

♡ i feel so scare t0 step into y0ur w0rking place ♡
♡ my bii de working place ♡
♡ finally i found there ♡

♡ i scare y0u will c0me out and saw mii ♡

♡ i know no place to let mii hide de ♡
♡ so what can i do is pass all the thing to the receptionist ♡
♡ and go back ♡

♡ but why the GOD will let mii saw y0u at Mcd ♡
♡ i kn0w y0u saw mii also de ♡
♡ but y0u never c0me in fr0nt mii ♡
♡ and talk with mii ♡

♡ even though y0u c0me in fr0nt mii sc0ld mii♡
♡ i also feel happy de ♡
♡ but y0u din d0 that ♡

♡ im just a stranger f0r you ♡
♡ last time everyday face with mii de bii ♡
♡ treat mii like stranger ♡

♡ my heart s0 pain ♡
♡ heart broken ♡
♡ that times de mii very very very sad ♡
♡ and crazy until dunoe what should i do ♡

♡ yesterday i wanna went back de ♡
♡ but its to0 late ♡
♡ im late already ♡

♡ and after that ♡
♡ i already n0 m0re chance and time d0 like that le ♡
♡ s0 y0u n0 need t0 worry i will g0 bother y0u again ♡

♡ and we will not meet each other f0rever ♡
♡ n0 ppl will c0me my place ♡
♡ and care mii anym0re like last time ♡
♡ no ppl will play with b0bo le ♡

♡ i hope y0u will try the pudding and co0kies ♡
♡ i cant sleep at midnight ♡
♡ i cant st0p myself t0 miss y0u ♡
♡ so i will find something t0 d0 at midnight ♡

♡ when im with y0u ♡
♡ only y0u will cook maggi f0r mii ♡
♡ fried rice f0r mii ♡
♡ and c0me my place at midnite when i feeling n0t well and drunk ♡
♡ n0w turn mii back t0 d0 all of this f0r you ♡

♡ and the sec0nd day ♡
♡ i rushed t0 1 utama t0 bought s0mething f0r y0u ♡
♡ i think this is the 3rd times i went there bah ♡

♡ actually i wanna buy belt f0r y0u de ♡
♡ but i dun0e where can buy it ♡
♡ s0 i g0 bought the Parker pen f0r y0u ♡
♡ i h0pe y0u will like it ♡

♡ k0st0n ♡
♡ n0w i kn0w dun care how hard i d0 all of this ♡
♡ dun care h0w many thing i do f0r y0u ♡
♡ y0u also will n0t feel t0uching ♡

♡ i know all of this is stupid thing ♡
♡ but at least i can tell myself i ald try my best and d0 my best le ♡
♡ and wont feel regret anym0re ♡

2010年11月10日 星期三

░™♥✖没有 陈皇光斌 滴 日子 第六二七 天✖♥™░

♡ Bii ♡
♡ my english very poor ♡
♡ y0u kn0w de right ♡

♡ dont care y0u understand an0t ♡
♡ dont care y0u will read it an0t ♡
♡ but i still want write d0wn in my bl0g ♡

♡ i really h0pe y0u will read it ♡
♡ my bl0g n0 m0re c0lourful ♡
♡ same with my life n0w ♡

♡ my life n0 m0re c0lourful ♡
♡ without y0u ♡

♡ i dont understand ♡
♡ why i d0 so many thing bc0z of y0u ♡
♡ but y0u dont care pun ♡
♡ really dunhav any feeling ald? ♡

♡ y0u kn0w h0w much i love y0u de ♡
♡ why wanna leave mii here? ♡
♡ what y0u promised mii last time ♡
♡ y0u say will h0ld my hand f0rever de ♡

♡ last time you always ask mii ♡
♡ izit i duwan y0u le ♡
when y0u ask mii that question ♡
i will cry ♡
i ask y0u why will like that de ♡
♡ y0u answer mii bc0z i love y0u loh
♡ yaya!! Bii i really love Y0U de
♡ but now terbalik jor ♡
♡ y0u duwan mii le ♡
♡ se0ng g0ng duwan le0ng zi le!!! ♡

♡ think back how y0u hold my hand in ur car ♡
♡ how you hug mii when i cry ♡
♡ how y0u kiss mii de first time ♡
♡ how y0u fried rice for mii ♡
♡ how y0u take care mii when i drunk ♡
♡ many many thing happened between y0u and mii ♡

♡ but all of this w0nt c0me back anym0re ♡
♡ y0u wont come back t0 mii also ♡
♡ bii i miss y0u ♡
♡ miss y0u like crazy ♡
♡ everyday cry bcoz of missing y0u ♡

♡ i ald start control myself to duwan msg you and call you le ♡
♡ bc0z i kn0w when y0u din reply mii or din pick up ♡
♡ i will more sad and disappointed ♡

♡ that day how long i think ♡
♡ why y0u will like that de ♡
♡ everyday face with mii de bii ♡
♡ suddenly change a lot ♡
♡ bii i really cant accept!!! ♡

♡ tw0 week ald ♡
♡ two week i live without you ♡
♡ is s0 SUFFER for mii ♡
♡ i not dare to tell my mum that i still love you ♡
♡ and miss you ♡
♡ i sked she will sad ♡

♡ ytd mummy throw my laptop inside the water ♡
♡ she slap mii ♡
♡ she throw her phone on the floor ♡
♡ i feel so sked ♡
♡ really sked until cant talk cant breath ♡

♡ bii i very san fu very san fu ♡
♡ ytd i go work ♡
♡ but i hide myself ♡
♡ and cry cry cry there ♡
♡ i cant work ♡
♡ i sked talk with ppl ♡
♡ i sked face s0 many ppl there ♡

♡ bii when i 2agter with you ♡
♡ i always think our future de ♡
♡ i tell myself ♡
y0ng suan s0on is my future husband
♡ i wanna be his wife ♡
♡ i wanna listen bii ask mii that question ♡
♡ honey will you marry mii?? ♡
yes!! I DO!!

♡ that day what y0u say ♡
♡ really give mii hope!! ♡
♡ i tot i got chance!!! ♡
♡ but finally y0u just acting in front mii ♡
♡ its hurt mii 1 more time you know?! ♡

♡ and im s0rry ♡
♡ i never care y0ur feeling also ♡
♡ i dunoe hows y0ur feeling that day in hospital ♡
♡ y0u c0me al0ne and face my whole family ♡
♡ how many pairs of eye looking at y0u ♡
♡ can y0u tell mii hows y0ur feel that day ♡
♡ im so sorry im s0 s0rry bii ♡

♡ i h0pe y0u can hug mii like last time ♡
♡ hope y0u can talk wih mii like last time ♡
♡ when i talk with y0u i feel comfortable ♡
♡ bc0z got y0u love mii care mii ♡

♡ i cry and write down all of this ♡
♡ i hope y0u kn0w hows my feeling n0w ♡
♡ i cant let y0u know all of this through the phone ♡
♡ so i only can post in my bl0g ♡

♡ y0u know? ♡
♡ wheni 2gater with you ♡
♡ i seld0m update my blog de ♡
♡ y0u kn0w why anot ♡
♡ bc0z when i sad i only will update ♡
♡ i seldom update bc0z i always feel happy when y0u with mii ♡

♡ actually the g0d ald give mii many chance to avoid all of this de ♡
♡ last time got few times i say wanna broke up with y0u c0z y0u lie mii ♡
♡ but everytimes i tell myself to give y0u chance ♡
♡ finally i give y0u chance t0 hurt my heart jor ♡

♡ i blame myself hate myself!!! ♡
♡ i hurt y0u i hurt myself ♡
♡ and i hurt my family also ♡

♡ before y0u broke up with mii ♡
♡ y0u still promised mii wanna go desa petaling eat western food de ♡
♡ i ask y0u go watch movie y0u duwan pun =( ♡

i s0 scary h0r ♡
i make y0u run away ♡
♡ i make y0u avoid mii and duwan see mii
duwan reply msg and duwan pick up phone also ♡

♡ i kn0w many thing n0w ♡
♡ i know wat y0u d0 and wat y0u say bef0re y0u leave mii ♡
♡ why cant accompany mii before i recover ♡
♡ y0u keep ask mii to get well so0n ♡
♡ but y0u know i cant d0 that without y0u de rite ♡

♡ 1 week i never meet with y0u le ♡
♡ 1 week i never touch y0ur face and hold y0ur hand ♡
♡ if i ask y0u to give de answer again ♡
♡ the answer will dferent anot ♡

♡ dun care wat was happened this few week ♡
♡ if y0u really can cum bek to mii ♡
♡ i really can accept de ♡
♡ we can start fr0m begin ♡
♡ as what i say tat day ♡

♡ can y0u tell h0w are y0u this few day ♡
♡ y0u busy t0 work? ♡
♡ or feel happy and free when i din msg y0u and din call y0u? ♡
♡ pay y0ur car loan already? ♡
♡ many many thing i wanna tell y0u wanna let y0u kn0w de ♡

but... ♡
no m0re chance t0 let mii talk ♡